
Happy Easter Message From Solomon Women Newspaper Team

AS Christians around the world celebrates the death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, staff of Solomon Womens Newspaper would like to wish the Government, general public and our viewers a...

Mothers Union Elect New Executive

The Provincial Mothers Union 14th conference has successfully ended with the election of the new executive board members.The election was held at the Melanesian Haus in Honiara. Therefore, the outgoing president Mrs Mary Vunagi encourages...

Worldwide Mother’s Union President Farewell Visit Honored

MOTHERS Union in the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) was honored to host the farewell visit of the Worldwide Mother's Union President, Mrs. Sheran Harper, and the Worldwide Mothers' Union Regional Development Coordinator, Jeanette...

World-Wide Mothers Union President Honored Visit to the ACOM

BY JOY OFASIA THE Mothers Union of the Anglican Church of Melanesia extended a cordial welcome to Mrs. Sheran Harper, President of the World-Wide Mothers Union, and Mrs. Jeanette Lawrence, Regional Development Coordinator, on Wednesday. World-Wide...

Takeli Applauds Outgoing PMU President

ARCHBISHOP of the Church of Melanesia, the Most Reverend George Takeli has thanked the outgoing President of the Provincial Mother’s Union (PMU) Mary Vunagi for her successful term in office. Delivering his key note address...

Clergy Women Ends Transformative Retreat Program

 BY JOY OFASIA THE Anglican Church of Melanesia’s Women in Frontline initiative recently successfully concluded a transformative retreat and training for the spouses in clergy in the Diocese of Guadalcanal, according to the Anglican Church...

Workshop Deepens Understanding to Help Victims of Violence

BY JEFFREY TAFOLEHE INCREASING domestic violence in Solomon Islands is being blamed for the rise in the number of women and children seeking shelter in a care-centre in Honiara. Known to be the only centre or...

Be Transformed So You Won’t Transfer

BY JEFFREY TAFOLEHE THIS week a workshop on trauma healing has been conducted for participants and caregivers who can assist in their own communities the knowledge and skills gain from this training. The Solomon Women’s Newspaper...