
Family Support Centre Conducts GBV Training in Gizo

THE Family Support Centre (FSC) Senior Management Team is delighted to have conduct a 5 days of intensive Training of Trainers (ToT) on the Gender Base Violence Facilitator’s manual. The ToT was attended by four...

Construction Set to Begin at Naha Birthing Center

CONSTRUCTION of the new SBD250m/AUD45m Naha Birthing and Urban Health Centre in East Honiara has officially commenced.  Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister, the Hon. Richard Marles MP, was joined by Solomon Islands Minister for Health and...

Emergency Nurse Find Saving Lives Most Rewarding

BY JOY OFASIA KRISTLEE Horoto, a senior emergency nurse consultant for the Emergency Department at the National Referral Hospital, says the most rewarding part of being a nurse is saving lives. “Being a nurse, the most...

Mid-Wife Nurses Share Challenges

BY JOY OFASIA NATIONAL Referral Hospital midwife nurses Doris Duddley and Emily Yangao shared their career challenges during the 2024 International Nurses Day. Doris Duddley, a clinical nurse consultant and midwife at the National Referral Hospital's...

Women Encouraged to do Breast Self-Examination

THE National Referral Hospital (NRH) wishes to advice the public that the Mammogram Machine donated by SIMA in November last year is yet to be operational because it is awaiting the arrival of a...

Vella La Vella’s Lack of Healthcare Services Leads to Tragic Deaths among Women

BY ALFRED PAGEPITU THE lack of health facilities, roads, and telecommunications services in parts of the Vella La Vella Islands is causing significant concern, particularly among mothers, children, and older people, and resulting in fatalities. Janis...

USD5 Million to Boost Maternal and Child Health in Solomon Islands

THE Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) and the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) have recently signed a Record of Discussions that will boost maternal health care in the Solomon Islands. The Ministry of...

Maternity Uniform for Pregnant RSIPF Officers

THE Australian Federal Police (AFP), through its partnership program with the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF), has supported the introduction of a maternity uniform for RSIPF female officers. Funding support from the RSIPF-AFP Policing...

SIMA Donates Mammogram Machine to National Referral Hospital

THE National Referral Hospital yesterday took delivery of a mammography machine from the Solomon Islands Maritime Authority, SIMA. The machine, worth more than SBD1.2 million dollars, is funded by SIMA under its Community Engagement...

Enhancing Healthcare Response to Violence Against Women, Girls, and Children

DOCTORS, clinical nurses, and midwives from the National Referral Hospital (NRH), Honiara City Council (HCC), and Guadalcanal Province (GP) participated in a three-day’ workshop on Strengthening the Health Care Response to Violence Against Women,...