“WORK of the Dorcas and Adventist men is to reach out to people in the churches that we come from.”
“We want to work together to achieve the mission that God put in our hands to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ.”
“Seventh Day Adventist Church established the Dorcas work after the Bible lady called Dorcas who worked by sewing clothes for the fatherless and motherless.”
Adventist men do work such as repairing houses, building kitchens and sanitation.”
Esther Tali Suti, President of Gizo District Federation, overseeing 10 Dorcas societies, a Christian ministry involves in motivating women to recognize the needs of the Fatherless, Motherless children, widows, and aging members of the community.
This year is her first year in office at Gizo, for A Two year’s term.
Recently, Dorcas societies alongside Adventist men “marks a milestone in the history of Gizo District Federation”, celebrating with the theme “together we will go,”

“This year is my first year to carry out our federation program. During our program, we also talked about loving, caring, sharing.” She said.
“As the President of Gizo District Federation, I believe every single member of the Dorcas and Adventist men societies around Gizo had been preparing very hard for this occasion,” she said.
“The program was held for two days, which allowed time for each society to report on achievements from this year’s activities, displaying of crafts produced by women, and also Dorcas members provided free training for the public on making crafts, sewing and cooking.”
“It allows the public, women or men who want to learn, to come and have free training.”
“Men also involved in showing ways, on how women should be protected from domestic violence, as well as body massage for sick patient, especially for men.”
“We also display products such as, virgin oil, soap, honey, Gilbertese Lolly, and local products.”
“One very important thing I see in this program is when we visited societies, it motivates young girls and it really touches me.”
She said, a lot of young girls don’t involve with older mothers, as Dorcas are older women in the church. Now She’s happy to see two young girls aged 12 and 15 from Nikunau church in west Gizo, take their stand in joining the Dorcas women.
The Dorcas leader also mentioned a young boy who shows his interest in sewing which is encouraging for young boys. She encourages young people to be part of mothers’ work so that mothers can pass on their legacy, as youths are future leaders in churches, schools, communities, and the country as a whole.
Ms. Suti referred to the story of Dorcas, whom Jesus raised back to life as an inspiration, that the work of the “Dorcas never dies.”
“There are mothers that are continuing with that work” she said.
Ms. Suti pointed out, that it is a challenge dealing with women, from different cultures and backgrounds, especially when seeking assistance from rural women who themselves need help as well.
“But with God’s grace and strength we are able to overcome, and I also worked with men, she said. “Everything, with God is possible”
She calls on government leaders, to further support Dorcas program in providing what she called “storage,” grounded amongst churches where needy people in the community can access help from.
“National government and provincial government, I know they support women’s work. But we have programs and my vision is that there should be storage for needy people, that government to help set up in every church so that when there are needy people, they will go to churches. if we don’t provide services in our churches then where else will people go.” She said.
“Today all these services for churches to provide, are missing.” She said. So, the vision for me as the President for 10 societies in Gizo, we want to set up one big storage at the center, so that people who need help, maybe food, soap, cloth, even encouragement, prayer, should just walk in the church and receive all those services. So that is my vision, but I don’t know who will help us. so, I just call if our leaders recognize women plays a very big role in our country.
She also commended women from other denominations who joined the Dorcas program, which she said, shows working together to fulfill services that women can provide in the churches, practicing “loving, caring, sharing.”
She pointed out, also an important area why women staged programs in public is to continue fight against violence against women and girls. And on how women can help out in promoting the stand against violence against women and girls.
The Dorcas leader said, the leadership of the Western Province Council of Women is organizing a time for women of the province to put on a demonstration for eight-year-old Mary, who was brutally raped and murdered in Kolombangara Island recently.
Ms. Suti acknowledges Government leaders, Church leaders, community leaders, Dorcas women, and Adventist men, facilitators and youths, for being present and part of the program in Gizo.