Solomon Women Newspaper Vision
To rigorously work on providing information and awareness on all issues relating to promotion and participation of women in social, economic, religious and developmental activities in Solomon Islands. The intention is to dedicate the paper and its focus on promotion and furtherance of issues affecting women in Solomon Islands in building and exposing roles they play in development.
This includes provision of advocacy and promotional services to assist furtherance of gender equality to rural and remote communities in Solomon Islands. The intention is to assist build the capacity of the organisation to actively participate in downstream processing – an aspiration that reflects our role in helping the women related organisations achieve their goal of increasing and improving sharing and informing everyone about women in Solomon Islands.
Our intention signals our commitment to engaging practice and to practicality involve in implementing and managing it on behalf of local women, especially those in rural areas.
We are committed to participate in building and generating more information and awareness, which will in turn increase knowledge of the rights of women. Finally, we embrace the multiple forms of assistance to our women, including (but not limited to) commercial organisations established to assist business women businesses in Solomon Islands or any new ventures, “social enterprise” organisations, as well as enterprise in the sense of “initiative” and hard work that contribute to assist in the furtherance, promotion and providing advocacy for women in Solomon Islands.