Senior lawyer Irene Vaukei, a recent losing candidate in the 2024 national election for the Ngella Constituency parliamentary seat in the Central Islands province. Photo supplied
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SENIOR lawyer Irene Vaukei, a recent losing candidate in the 2024 national election for the Ngella Constituency parliamentary seat in the Central Islands province, took to social media to share her journey as a woman in a political campaign.

Irene Vaukei, an independent candidate in a heavily contested election, shared her challenging campaign journey with the support of God and her family, highlighting the importance of perseverance and support.

She described her journey as not an easy one. Being a woman, it was very challenging, but I blazed the trail proudly with the support of God, who made all things possible for me, and the overwhelming assistance and backup support from my siblings and in-laws, close friends, and dear family members.

“I am now closing my chapter called ‘My Journey as a Candidate for the Ngella Constituency’.

“Thank you, my brothers and sisters, family members, and friends.

“This journey started in August 2023. I have no regrets and have never looked back.

“The campaign team that backed me numbered 40, and this included children, the elderly, people with disabilities, chiefs, youth leaders, women, and men.

“You all gave me strength each day, and my thanks to you all. God chose you all.

“I am proud that although I lost the race, I will sleep well at night knowing I campaigned with honesty and spoke the truth, especially making people aware of the changes in the CDF Act and Education Act and the allowances and entitlements received by MPs.

“I am proud that I never received money from any business houses.

“I can live in peace knowing that I was not funded by the money of others.

“But being honest has a price. My people of Gela have spoken and made their choice. They preferred the other female candidate over me.

“I am a Gela woman, bred and brought up the Kula way, and proud to be from Gela.

“I have a heart for my people and their current living conditions, and my cry for change motivated me to contest.

“I am educated enough to be their voice in Parliament. I am qualified to be an instrument to bring about change and develop Gela.

“The people of Gela have spoken. I salute the new MP for Ngella Constituency. She has made the women of Gela proud.

“I trust she will carry out all she puts out during her campaigns and look after the people of Gela.

“Especially improve and change the living conditions of communities and upgrade all basic services.

“As a woman advocating for the equal representation and participation of men and women in political leadership, the number of female political leaders winning this round is a big win for women in our country.

“I congratulate you all. But we need more women in Parliament, and we believe the number will increase in the future. We need to work harder.

“As for me, this chapter in my life is closing. I truly enjoyed my campaign; I experienced meeting new people, going to new places, seeing firsthand the struggles of people, and above all, enjoying the challenge.

“Thank you, my campaign team leaders, my advisors, all my team members, skippers and logistics, cook set, medical team, and housekeeping. Plus all my supporters, family members, and relatives of Olevuga Village.

“You all showed me the meaning of teamwork. Thank you.

“Lastly, all glory I give back to my Abba Father, my Sustainer, my Provider and my Protector, my Rock and All,” Irene wrote in a Facebook post.

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