
Pusiju Community in Vella Successfully Launched Women’s Hall

LAST week, the community of Pusiju successfully launched the Women's hall at Valapata village, Vella la Vella Island in Western Province. The Project was initiated by the Women and Girls of Pusiju with in-kind...

Oxfam Safe Families Program Described Effective in Western Province Communities

BY JOY OFASIA WESTERN Province Council of Women President, Mrs Rendy Solomon has recently acknowledge the work of Safe Families Project through Oxfam in the Solomon Islands and describes it as effective in the communities...

HCC Conducts Food Safety And Hygiene Training For Tanuli Ridge Women

More than thirty women of Tanuli Ridge in East Honiara, have concluded a two-day workshop on Food Safety and Hygiene with the Honiara City Council Health Promotion Department on Wednesday last week. Organized by Acting...

Australia Government Pleased to Support Oxfam Safe Families Program

BY JOY OFASIA THE Australian Government is pleased to support the Oxfam Safe Families program as one of the largest donors for gender equality initiatives in the Solomon Islands. This was highlighted by the Acting High...

Donors Support Community With Livelihood Equipment

OVER the weekend, the community of Pusiju in Valapata village, Vella la Vella Island in Western Province received agricultural equipment, transportation, safety equipment’s at sea and basic kitchen utensils worth $80,000 SBD from Globalgreen...

SIDA Hosts Flour Processing and Cookery Workshop

BY JOY OFASIA SOLOMON Islands Development Agency hosted another workshop on Flour Processing and cookery for youths and SIDA members this week. The workshop is aimed to build a generation of skilled men and women who...

Manning the MAL Livestock Office Gizo

Ms Telemahau Shares Experience BY LIVETT MYRNE COMFORT Margaret Telemahau, 27, is a new livestock officer in the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) based at Gizo. She’s enthusiastic about her job since graduating from SINU two...

Young Mother Achieves Goal to Build a Family Home

BY JOY OFASIA LIKE many other pacific Islanders, Caroline Tuke is among other employees who are working abroad under the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility Scheme one of the streams of the Pacific Labour Scheme. Along with...

Mother|Grandmother Shares Experience working at a UXO Survey Company

BY JOY OFASIA GLORETTA Anderson, 41, a mother to a daughter and a grandmother, works as a Cartographer at Safe Signals, a private UXO/Bomb Survey and Clearance company. Dealing with UXO and hazardous substances is obviously...

Solomon Airlines Women Gather For ‘Round Table’ To Mark International Women’s Day 2022

SOLOMON Airlines today marked International Womens Day 2022 with the airline’s inaugural IWD ‘Round Table’, an event bringing together 26 women from various departments across Domestic Flight Operations, Cabin Services, Commercial, Finance and Human...