Mrs. Helen Zazu Women Development Officer for Choiseul province.
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WOMEN in Choiseul province have faced challenges that hinder some of their development aspirations, revealed Choiseul provincial government – women development division – women development officer, Helen Zazu.
“Choiseul is one of the smaller province and it’s not too complicated but little bit challenging when it comes to location and how to reach out for women is really difficult because of the distances, and sea travelling is very risky for us in times of bad weather.
“Not only that but when it comes to sharing of information it is also a challenge for us because of our geographical location of our Island but despite these challenges we have certain programs targeted for women.
“And these programs are easily carried out because we had provincial council of women who really worked closely with us on how we can help each other to reach women in villages,” Mrs Zazu told Solomon Women Newspaper.
She said that there is a lot to do because now women start to recognise their roles and responsibility.
“Women now start to recognised their roles and responsibilities within the society that they too have to become breadwinners for the family and that really impose much on women since some women find it a bit difficulty but some now getting into the area of doing things for themselves.
“And with this little development women now comes out from their comfortable zones and do other businesses like income generating and they (women) should not be neglected because they also plays role in the society but sometimes they are limited by home duties,” she said.
She further added that responsibilities played by women in the society today are so important because women nowadays are part of community building.
“And women back in our provinces they do have the potential to do things but they need to be encouraged more so that they can go further and take on what they want to progress on.
“Hence, when we at the provincial head quarters see this gap we try to work more close with our women in the village, we do not differentiate ourselves from ward councils and our women in the villages within Choiseul province but what we have in mind is to work together for the betterment of our women in the community and this seen as one of our strength.
Meanwhile, she said women who work with other women must try to avoid separation but hold together and encouraged each other.
“When comes to provincial activities organised for women by several organisations women always willing to participate and interact with other women from other wards within our province.
“Not only had that but we at the women development division also focused on upgrading women in certain skills on some particular areas.
“After our women in some ways still have a need, this is because these culture thing is a barrier to us where we really need time and the realisation of this will come about when women will be able to perform more especially in the leadership position.
“Besides, women out there are doing much work and in terms of leadership positions and roles, we are doing some decisions in the community but not in politics because we don’t have any decision makers positioned on those upper positions but at the provincial level nowadays we are trying our best to encourage women to participate more in taking up leadership responsibilities on decision making level but we can’t make it own our own we need the support of our men champions so that the potentials of our women will be recognised,” the women development officer said.
Mrs Zaku is also the current acting youth and sports coordinator for Choiseul province.

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