SIWIBA members during the basic sewing training workshop.
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MORE than 20 local women, who are members of the Solomon Islands Women in Business Association have completed three days basic sewing training workshop in Honiara.

Training facilitator, Rose Korinihona told Solomon Women that the training aims to help SIWIBA members to sustain their livelihoods and support their families.

Rose said the women were taught how to handle sewing machines and also how to sew garments like dresses, skirts, and blouses,

She said the training acts like a catalyst to support women and girls with talents in sewing, more especially to engage trainees to venture into entrepreneurship.

“We all have our talents and sewing is one of them. Our coming here will determine what these women have learned to help themselves by making use of their talents.

Training facilitator, Rose Korinihona (left) and a local woman participant (right) demonstrating a technique to other participants at the basic sewing workshop.

“I wanted the women to understand well the skills so that when they go back, they would start making use of it in their way such as creating little businesses to keep them going as entrepreneurs.

“If we know how to use the talents that we have, we won’t be needing support from any other but will always meet our own needs, so much training as these is very important to recognize our skillful talents,” the Training facilitator said.

Training facilitator, Rose Korinihona explaining to participants at the training workshop.

The training is funded by the Australian government’s initiative Strongim Bisnis in partnership with Solomon Islands Women in Business Association (SIWIBA).

Salome Ronia Waetaho, a local entrepreneur and training participant described the training as an important platform for her as a local woman entrepreneur.

“I am interested in this training because I love to wear dresses. But then, on the other hand, I see this as an opportunity to grasp more skills to contribute to the talent that I have and also to boost my current business which is called Alisa Creations and Designs,” Salome said with a smile.

Salome also thanked SIWIBA for recognizing her and her business and to attend the training.

“I would like to thank SIWIBA for accepting me as a member for me to attend such training as this training to contribute well to my business,” she said.

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