MRS. Princess Tangile’s husband of many years left her for another woman 10 years ago leaving her to fend for their three children.
Now 40 years old, Tangile has gone through challenges which now makes her a stronger woman.
She told Women’s paper that as a mother teaming up and staying close to her children is what makes her bond with her children grow stronger.
“My main focus is to assist and provide a better life for my children to the best of my ability.
“It’s a bit tough in terms of decision-making in the house but now I have no issue at all with raising my children,” she said.
Having completed her high school education only at form three, the mother of three decided to utilize her skills in the market sector.

“I got married to my husband a few years after I left school in 1990 and we have our first child, a girl, four years later. We later have another two children, a girl, and a boy,” Mrs. Tangile’s said.
She further stressed that being a market vendor at the Honiara Central Market for over 20 years now, her heart’s desire is for all her children to reach a higher level of education so they can help themselves, their future family, and the country as a whole.

“I earned money from selling avocado, red and green chilies, pumpkins, ginger, and other local varieties of root crops and vegetables on a daily basis.
“For now I can earn SBD$ 1000 per day meaning I earn SBD$ 5000 per week but this depends on healthy weeks from my buyers and customers who sometimes place orders from me,” she said.
Before the COVID19 pandemic, Tangile said she often get an income of $ 2000 to 3000 per day.
“I manage to save money and purchase a vehicle and a piece of land where we build our house.
“I told my children not to worry but to strive in their study and appreciate the challenges that come our way.
“I do not believe in luck.
“I always urged my children to work extra harder if they want to achieve what they want in the future.
“Hard work is the term I often teach to my children, hard work is the key to achieving goals,” Mrs. Tangile said.