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THE art of shell money making is a skill that has served the country well in terms of economic benefits, National pride and solved disputes and problems.

This week this paper did an exclusive interview with a woman doing business in shell money making which she reveals her experience in shell money business.

Solomon Women Newspaper (SWN): Brief background about yourself:

Jenny Berry (JB): My name’s Jenny Berry. I come from Langalanga Lagoon, Malaita Province. I’m married with six children. My educational background only reaches Grade Six. I am a shell money maker.

SWN: Brief background about your business:

JB: My business is shell money making and I started involving myself in this business since I was a kid. For most of our women in the Lagoon, we learn this craft of shell money making from an early age. However I recall starting this business since 1989.

SWN: Tell us about your business:

JB: I specialize in Tafuliae shell money making, Necklaces, Round Neck, v-neck and red shell money. I have a wide range of customer from ranging locals buying shell money for bride price payments, settling compensation, disputes and other needs. I also have overseas tourists buying my products as well as important overseas delegates and VIPs.

SWN: Please tell us what being a business owner means to you and why you became a business woman in the first place?

JB: Why I choose to become business woman is I can support my children’s school fee, buy clothes and help support my family and kids. Good thing about this I gain these things out of my own sweat.

SWN: What or who has been your greatest influence in business and why?

JB: No one has an influence in me. I rely on my own God given ability.

SWN: What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment to date?

JB: My greatest accomplishment is the creativity and the wisdom God gave me to start my own business. With the shell money business we (my husband and I) have managed to build few houses that we rent out.

SWN: What is the best advice you have received in business that you wish to pass on to your readers?

JB: Business is liken unto a kid. You feed it well, nurture and grow it well. If you don’t it dies. Continue to struggle and work hard until the business paid off and your children are well off. Don’t entertain wantok system in business it is your own sweat.

SWN: What one thing have you learned as a small business owner that has served you well over the years?

JB: Don’t allow credit in business and your business will survive.

SWN: What challenges/ difficulties have you faced in business?

JB: Cultural obligations and expectations. E.g. Relatives passing away is a financial burden for us. We always struggle to recover the money.

SWN: What do you do for fun/ relaxation?

JB: I don’t have time to relax. I have kids to feed and look after.

SWN: What is number one business goal you plan to accomplish over the next year?

JB: Me and my husband we are planning to build our incomplete houses this year. We own few houses in town that we rent out. Our goal is to complete these houses. We have no time to relax.

SWN: Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers who wish to get into business?

JB: Struggling by yourself is good and do not depend on Government and other people. You must work hard and sweat for it and God will bless you. The only way up is hard work and ask God to bless you. Your simple view how our country or government can help women in the informal sector: the Government should help the grassroots, the aimless, the drop-out youths and build them. Government seems to consider only rich people. They should allow money to reach the grassroots as well.

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