
Uprising Female Artist, Amy Bauro Awarded Winner of 2015 Solo Icon

BY STEPHEN FAROBO SOLOMON Islands are naturally rich and blessed with a range of talented and gifted youths that are left isolated and inaccessible to discover their potential qualities.  And nobody even, the government itself recognizes...

Living and Working Overseas as a Solomon Islander

BY ESTHER NURIA SOLOMON Women Newspaper this week has captured a young and aspiring young lady. She is a young Solomon Islander living in Australia who is part Choiseul and Western province. The paper has...

Female Solomon Islander Specialized in Infographics

BY ROGER HOUALAHA THIS week we share the story of a very young and beautiful Solomon Islander who is an infographics specialist. As many don’t know, Infographics is relatively a new concept of a means...

Youth Tackling Unemployment

BY ESTHER NURIA UNEMPLOYMENT is a major problem our country is facing today. And our young people who have dropped out of school have found it very difficult seeking employment. But through a program offered for...

Dream Behind Pre-Employment Training

BY MIKE TUA THE rise of unemployment among youths has reached unprecedented level over the past decades which have forced the overwhelming majority to seek short-term soft skills training courses that could provide them employment...

True Commitment Earns Eremina a Permanent Job

BY IAN KAUKUI  WITH the current high rate of unemployment experienced in the country, school leavers or dropout students and many other youths today are facing difficulties in getting a job and as a result,...

Big Things Start Small: Young Fashion Designer – Lyan Tingiia

BY CAROL-ANNE GALO  IT is not every day that you come across or hear about very talented young females getting into ‘Fashion Designing’, especially in the Pacific.  Born and raised a Seventh Day Adventist, 21-year-old Lyan...

Achieving a Dream through Internship

BY MIKE TUA ACHIEVING one’s dream job is not a cheap accomplishment nowadays. Many employers look for experience and qualifications when recruiting employees. However in Honiara, the youth internship program ‘Youth at Work’ is making a...