AUSTRALIA alumni, including from Women Leading and Influencing (WLI) and the Solomon Islands Australia Alumni Association (SIAAA), united for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence campaign in Honiara.
Australia alumni joined the launch parade on Monday 26 November 2024 and hosted a panel discussion on Thursday 28 November 2024 on the topic, Men and boys’ positive roles in preventing and ending violence against women and girls in Solomon Islands.
Solomon Islands WLI representative, Kristalee Horoto said, it is important for the alumni network to unite, collaborate, and raise awareness about important issues, because only together can we end violence against women and girls and create safer communities.
The panel discussion on Thursday included panellist Pionie Boso, Program Manager of the Women’s Rights Action Movement, and Father Reginald Tohutohuniu from the Christian Care Centre, who spoke on the significant role of individuals, especially men and boys, as changemakers in ending gender-based violence.
The panellists shared their experiences and insights on the importance of men and boys’ involvement in preventing and ending gender-based violence.
The discussion emphasised promoting positive masculinities that foster respect, equality, and non-violence, as well as encouraging healthy relationships, emotional literacy, and conflict resolution skills without aggression or dominance.
The discussion also highlighted the need to challenge harmful gender norms that perpetuate gender-based violence.
Australia alumni of Australia Awards, WLI and SIAAA are a strong network of change makers and leaders in Solomon Islands, who have studied in Australia and the Pacific region.
The Australia Alumni network recognises the importance of women in leadership and advocates to raise awareness and end violence against women and girls.
Australia’s High Commissioner, Hi Excellency Rod Hilton, said ending gender-based violence is everybody’s business, and reiterated Australia’s unwavering commitment to stand with Solomon Islands in the shared goal of creating safe and peaceful homes for women, men, and children.
For more information on Australia Awards, visit https://www.dfat.gov.au/people-to-people/australia-awards/australia-awards-scholarships, on Women Leading and Influencing visit: https://www.wliprogram.org/ and on SIAAA, ‘like’ the public Facebook page ‘Solomon Islands Australia Alumni Association.’