L-R- SIMA Board Deputy Chair John Hugo Bugoro, SIMA Director Thierry Nervale, PS Pauline McNeil and NRH CEO DR George Malefoasi during the handover in November 2023. Photo credit @ Ministry of Health & Medical Services
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THE National Referral Hospital (NRH) wishes to advice the public that the Mammogram Machine donated by SIMA in November last year is yet to be operational because it is awaiting the arrival of a part of the machine before it can be fully operational.

This is in response to questions raised by the media and the general public on the machine’s operation.

The handover was done in November 2023 and that the machine has been installed since then but has not been operational. The NRH has contacted the supplier and plans are in place for the supplier to deliver the additional part in May or June this year. The supplier will also be doing appropriate calibrations and application training with local staff at the same time.

Women are encouraged to do breast self-examination and if they feel a lump or have any concerns, to see their local nurse or doctor who will appropriately refer them to the hospital. The General Surgery Department doctors attend to patients who are concerned with any breast problems. There are three surgical outpatients clinics run per week at the National Referral hospital.

Currently evaluation of breast lumps can be done by

  • Physical examination by clinical staff
  • Imaging of breast lumps by ultrasound to determine location and nature of lump
  • Fine needle biopsy of breast tissue cells collected for staining and microscopic examination
  • Tissue biopsy for histology and definitive diagnosis.
  • Appropriate Surgical management as indicated
  • CT Scan imaging for staging (spread) if breast cancer is confirmed to guide management
  • Appropriate Chemotherapy by oncology unit

We apologize for the delay, but as soon as the part is delivered and training sorted, the machine will be operational, and the public will be informed accordingly.

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