Florence Isihanua, the owner of Baby N Fashion, is Cancer Survivor and entrepreneur. Photo credit @ OrgClinic Consultancy
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FLORENCE Isihanua is a woman who knows the meaning of strength. As a wife, mother of three, entrepreneur and a cancer survivor, she has faced challenges that anyone would ever imagine. Yet, through every trial, Florence has found her strength in faith and her determination to keep moving forward. This is her story of faith, courage and survival.

Florence grew up in the Solomon Islands, a place she calls home to this day. She went to Mbua Valley and Bishop Epalle for primary school before moving on to King George VI School for her secondary education. Determined to succeed, she pursued a degree in Economics and Law, but life had her walked her path differently and she had to leave university without graduating. Instead of giving up, she decided to take a different path.

In 2007, with a small amount of money saved during her time at university, Florence started a poultry farm with just 150 chickens. By 2009, she had built it into a thriving business, supplying fresh chicken to hotels and restaurants across Honiara. But it was not easy. There were times when the challenges seemed overwhelming, like when she faced an unexpected spike in chicken deaths, losing up to 70 birds in a single day. She could have given up then, but she did not bow down to her challenges. She learned to keep going, hoping that things would improve if she stayed positive and committed to her vision.

A New Business Takes Root

When the poultry business hit a rough patch, Florence knew she needed to diversify. That is when she came up with the idea for Baby N Fashion, a small shop that opened in October 2011. It started with just a few items on the shelves, but it grew over time as Florence poured her heart into it, working long hours and making every sale count. Now, years later, the business is thriving, proving that her decision to branch out was the right one.

Florence’s daily routine is demanding. She wakes up as early as 4:30 a.m. to care for her chickens, gets her children ready for school and opens her shop by 8:30 a.m. She manages the day-to-day operations while balancing her responsibilities as a mother and a business owner. In December 2021, she took another risk by opening Auki Food Outlet, a mini supermarket in Auki, Malaita. Despite the added pressure, she remains focused and determined to succeed.

Recognized for Her Efforts

Florence’s hard work has earned her recognition. In 2017, she was named the Inspirational Woman of the Year by the Solomon Islands Women in Business Association. In 2019, she received the Young Entrepreneur of the Year award from the Chamber of Commerce. These accolades, while meaningful, serve as reminders of the long hours, the risks and the sacrifices she has made.

 Facing Her Greatest Challenge

In March 2022, Florence was given news that would change her life. She was diagnosed with a serious illness that came out of nowhere, threatening everything she had built. The diagnosis was a shock and the road ahead looked uncertain. But rather than falling into despair, Florence turned to her faith. She held onto verses from the Bible, finding comfort and strength in God’s promises.

Over the next several months, she faced surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. The treatments were grueling and there were many painful moments when she questioned if she had the strength to go on. At one point, she developed another serious health issue, requiring further surgery. But through it all, Florence kept believing, kept praying and kept moving forward.

In May 2023, her illness progressed further, bringing her to the brink. Her doctors told her there was very little hope. Her condition worsened and her kidneys began to fail. But Florence did not lose hope. She clung to a verse from Isaiah, which reassured her that God would be with her through the toughest times. She endured painful treatments and procedures, holding on even when it seemed impossible.

A Miracle Unfolds

By the end of February 2024, Florence faced the harsh reality that there were no more treatment options left. But she chose not to give up. Instead, she focused on her faith, praying and fasting for a miracle. And in April 2024, that miracle came—a scan showed no signs of the disease. Florence was declared in remission, defying the odds.

For Florence, this was not just a medical victory; it was a testament to her faith, her perseverance and her firm belief in God’s promises. She had faced death and found life and she knew it was not by her strength alone.

A Grateful Heart

Florence’s journey has taught her that true wealth is not about money or success but about love, faith and the strength to keep going. She believes that every challenge has a purpose and that God’s hand has guided her through every storm. She lives each day with gratitude, knowing that each moment is a blessing.

Moving Forward with Purpose

Florence Isihanua is more than just an entrepreneur; she is a source of inspiration for all who know her story. She has shown that no matter how tough life gets, there is always hope. Her journey is a reminder that with faith, courage and determination, we can overcome any obstacle. Florence continues to live her life with purpose, knowing that every step forward is another testament to the power of believing.

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