
Elizabeth’s Story of Entrepreneurship and Determination

BY CHRIS ALEX 24-year-old Elizabeth Ratu who made her way to become an entrepreneur and manageress of the Lokol Impact, a local fabric printing business, recently bagged the 2022 Young Entrepreneurs Council Solomon Islands (YECSI)...

Rise Despite Adversities and Challenges

BY CHRIS ALEX ‘Rise despite adversities and challenges’ would best describe 37-year-old Stella Munamua who made her way to becoming the manageress of the ABM Medico Logistics private lab, despite years of being a housewife...

Anna Taking the Lead to Inspire Tuvaruhu Women

BY CHRIS ALEX ANNA Leo has always followed her passion, which is to give back to her community at Tuvaruhu in Central Honiara. Her love to empower talented young women and girls in her community has...

Woman Street Seller Continues to Defy All Odds

BY JOHN HOUANIHAU A woman street seller, Mary Wale who has been trading betel nuts for almost a decade in the streets of Honiara has continued to defy the city council by-laws and unfair policing...

Samantha’s Passion behind TIROSI Food Café

BY CHRIS ALEX FOR many Solomon Islanders, running any form of business is a way to make a profitable income. For some, it is a setup to use their gifts and talents while also receiving...

Women Ecstatic Becoming Members of SIDA

0 Women who joined the newly launched Solomon Islands Development Agency (SIDA) have expressed their joy and happiness in connecting with an organization which gave them an opportunity to learn about new knowledge to add...

Massive Sales of Local Artwork Paintings, Thanks to Pacific Partnership Mission in the Solomon...

BY JOY OFASIA LOCAL businesses including carvers, weavers and craft makers and paint artists in Honiara have profited in the sales of their products from the recent arrival of the U.S. navy officers on board...

Making a Difference – More Women Trained With Life Skills

MORE women from Tina River catchment communities are attending a four-day life-skills which commenced on Tuesday at Mataruka village. A total of 35 women from Malatoha and Belaha in Central Guadalcanal will take part in...

Solomon Women Newspaper (SWN) interview with Flower vendors of Kakabona community.

0 Flower vendors of Kakabona community spoke to Solomon Women Newspaper (SWN) about the benefits of having flowers in and around homes and challenges in their small businesses. They told SWN about their plight of...

SIDA Hosts Flour Processing and Cookery Workshop

BY JOY OFASIA SOLOMON Islands Development Agency hosted another workshop on Flour Processing and cookery for youths and SIDA members this week. The workshop is aimed to build a generation of skilled men and women who...