Founder of Go Solomons Tour Company, Ender Rence. Photo supplied via Facebook
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ENDER Rence from Go Solomons Tour Company has praised Australia’s support to local tourism operators, calling it a significant victory for the Solomon Islands’ tourism sector.

In an interview with the SOLOMON WOMEN, Ender highlighted the positive impact of the direct assistance provided by Australia Strongim Bisnis, which enabled her to attend this year’s Global Sustainable Tourism summit in Brisbane, Australia.

“I appreciate and acknowledge Australia Strongim Bisnis for giving me the opportunity to attend the first-ever Global Sustainable Tourism summit in Brisbane last month,” said Ender.

Reflecting on the summit, Ender described the experience as not only beneficial but also an eye-opener. She noted that the event allowed her to learn about industry best practices, connect with tourism leaders, and understand ways to strengthen the hospitality and guided tour offerings of Go Solomons.

“The impacts of climate change are felt daily in the Solomon Islands and other Pacific islands, bringing sad and negative stories. But there is hope amidst these challenges. Eco or sustainable tourism offers a positive way forward,” Ender stressed.

Ender believes that eco-tourism plays a crucial role in addressing climate change and promoting local culture. She expressed gratitude to Australia Strongim Bisnis for recognizing the potential of Go Solomons and providing the support needed to make the most of the summit’s opportunities.

“This was the first time Australia Strongim Bisnis supported me, and I truly appreciate this opportunity. I captured a lot from the summit as a local tourism operator who advocates for and promotes tourism in the Solomon Islands,” Ender said.

Ender was accompanied by three other tourism operators sponsored by Australia to attend the summit. These included representatives from Authentic Mala Tours in Malaita, Parangiju Mountain Lodge in East Guadalcanal, and Titiru Eco Lodge in Western Province.

The Global Sustainable Tourism summit in Brisbane, organized by Eco Tourism Australia, focused on responsible travel to natural areas. The summit aimed to conserve the environment, sustain the wellbeing of local communities, and provide education and interpretation to attendees.

With transformed knowledge and inspiration from the summit, Ender and her colleagues are confident to implement sustainable tourism practices that will benefit the Solomon Islands’ tourism industry and its local communities.

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