Young Women Christian Centre Association (YWCA) General Secretary, Mrs Joycelyn Lai
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THE Young Women Christian Centre Association (YWCA) General Secretary, Joycelyn Lai has urge young women trainees of the Sexual Reproductive Health training workshop to take up the leadership role and to start advocate the knowledge gained during the training to the youths in their respective communities.
“I am very happy to see young women from different provinces coming together and build their relationship with each other. This shows that they have built confidence during the training so that they will provide awareness in communities,” she said.
Mrs Lai made the strong comment after the completion and handing over of certificates to the young women trainees attending the three-days workshop recently held at the Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood Association (SIPPA) conference room in New China Town, Honiara.
“Now am full of confident that all trainees are ready to carry out the given task and responsibility to disseminate the sexual reproductive health information gained during the workshop down to the youth population in your respective communities.
“Therefore, I would like to congratulate them for their wonderful effort they have shown during the course of the training workshop.
“Meanwhile, YWCA is planning to extend Sexual Reproductive Health training program out to communities and villages in the other provinces when there is enough finance,” the General Se
15 participants from the three provinces of Guadalcanal, Malaita, and Western including Honiara attended the workshop.
The Sexual Reproductive Health training program aimed at capacity building of youth in responsible decision making was organised by the Young Women Christian Centre Association (YWCA) and facilitated by the Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood Association (SIPPA).

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