Left To Right: Yun’s Taekwondo Academy principal instructor, Joses Dudley and Taekwondo female practitioner, Angella Iduramo.
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TAEKWONDO female practitioner, Angella Iduramo believes martial arts can help protect and change lives of women and girls in the Solomon Islands.

Angella is an active and passionate member of the Yun’s Taekwondo Academy in Honiara. She has over the year’s being practising martial arts under the guidance of local taekwondo principal instructor, Joses Dudley.

She told Solomon Women that crimes against women and girls are increasing day by day in the country, so it’s important to learn how to protect themselves. And after all it brings a lot of physical and mental benefits.

“I think being a female martial artist is very important as it really helps us in terms of self-defence.

“Danger in our homes and on the streets is present anytime, anywhere so it’s highly important for women and girls in the country to practice martial arts self-defence skills.

“Nowadays, a lot of rape cases have been reported and obviously it’s the female who are always the victims.

“For that reason, being a female martial artist is very important as it prepares us to defend ourselves if such life threatening situation arises in the future,” says Angella, 31, from the provinces of Makira, Malaita and Temotu.

Angella currently works as a medical registrar at the Internal Medicine Department of the National Referral Hospital in Honiara.

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