United Nations Headquarters, New York – March 21, 2025. The Government of Solomon Islands reaffirmed its strong commitment to advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment at the 69th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women.
In his address at the United Nations on Friday 14th March, Permanent Secretary Dr. Cedric Alependava stated the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action provided the platform for gains and advancements made in gender equality and women empowerment globally. Dr. Alependava highlighted the country’s significant strides in gender equality, citing key policies and programs aimed at tackling gender-based violence, promoting women’s access to justice, education, and economic empowerment, and increasing women’s representation in leadership roles.
For Solomon Islands, one of the notable achievements is the multi-sectoral SAFENET referral network, which supports survivors of gender-based violence with shelter, counselling, legal assistance, and healthcare. Additionally, efforts to empower women has established, through the National Strategy on the Economic Empowerment of Women and Girls and the National Women’s Financial Inclusion policy, over 3,000 women’s savings clubs.
He further stated, during this year’s International Women’s Day, Solomon Islands announced the Ministry of Public Service Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Policy 2025-2030, that seeks to ensure principles of non-discrimination, equal treatment and opportunities are practiced across the public service and essentially a catalyst for people-centred development and gender mainstreaming across the public sector.
Dr Alependava highlighted, the government’s efforts also include empowering women and girls with disabilities through the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the implementation of the National Disability Inclusive Development Policy.
Dr Alependava highlighted progress towards universal health coverage, with over 90% of women receiving skilled attendance during childbirth and ongoing efforts by government through the review of the Health Services Act to improve access to essential maternal, child, and reproductive health services.
While much progress has been made, Dr. Alependava expressed on-going challenges remains, particularly the high prevalence of violence against women in rural areas, cultural stigma, and barriers to education for girls. He further stated that efforts to increase female participation in leadership, at all levels including in politics and the private sector, remain a key priority for the government. Dr. Alependava called for collective global action to accelerate gender equality, particularly in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LCDs) to achieve the goals outlined in the Beijing Platform for Action and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Session this year, focused on the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and provided an opportunity for the global community to stock take on progress and where concerted effort is need to achieve gender equality to ensure the rights of women and girls and their empowerment is fully realized.
The Solomon Islands is being represented by the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs and the Permanent Mission of Solomon Islands to the United Nations.