Miss Solomon, Tema Wickham and late Patricia Taika.
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‘WE lost a gift and a young talented lady in our society’, Miss Solomon, Tema Wickham shared her time in knowing the Late Ms.

Patricia Taika, whom she called Pa (nick-name). Late Ms Patricia Taika was one of the Miss Solomon Islands pageant contestant in 2013.

Solomon Women Newspaper (SWN): Have you known late Ms. Patricia?

Tema Wickham (TW): I did not know and have never met late Ms Patricia before the Miss Solomon Islands pageant contestant in 2013.

SWN: When did you know her?

TW: It was a great privilege to meet and know her during the Miss Solomon Islands Pageant in 2013. She always had a big smile on her face and was friendly to everyone.

SWN: Have you known her personally?

TW: I got to know her personally during the Miss Solomon preparations and we became really good friends. We shared a room together at Honiara Hotel over the final week leading up to the Miss Solomon Islands Pageant crowning night in 2013. I got to know her even more…..she had a natural artistic talent and I was just amazed by all her artwork. We used to have a lot to talk on everything at that time and were so open. We assisted each other all along although we were sponsored by different companies.

SWN: How can you describe her?

TW: She was one very talented, down to earth, fun and beautiful lady inside out. Patty’s a very creative young lady and is always full of laughter. She is like a model with her beautiful model figure.

SWN: Is her death a shock to you?

TW: Absolutely. I was so shocked to hear of her death. I told myself, this can’t be real! I couldn’t believe and even now to accept that my good friend is gone. Yes am so sad.

Late Patricia Taika.

SWN: How can you describe a life being taken away from someone that is young and talented like Late Ms. Patricia?

TW: Well, to have a life taken away, stolen so suddenly from someone who has a bright future ahead of her is purely unfair, unjust and unacceptable. We have certainly lost a special and gifted young lady in our society.

SWN: Do you think the person involved, should walk free or pay for his or her guilt?

TW: Responsible Authorities must act quickly and do what is right and justice. They have to do everything to make the person responsible pay for his/ her action. The person should be put to life in jail to meet the consequences of his/her very cruel action. This is a very cruel violence against a young innocent woman who has a very bright future ahead. Additionally this is violence against women. No one will ever accept to have someone who did such inhuman behavior to walk away freely. I won’t accept it at all. Every immoral act has a price to pay. Who knows if the culprit would do the same crime all over again?

SWN: In your own personal view how can you describe a society we are living in today, is it free for our young girls and women to move around?

TW: Our society used to be very safe. Women and girls’ even men and boys can walk around feeling secured. However, while we have good people around we also have people who are quite contaminated in their minds. And so it is not going to be safe nor will it be free for girls/women/ children and men alike to move around easily, when these kind of people are blending and mixing around in our societies. With incidences like this, everybody else will no longer feel safe and free to move around. This is commonsense. People will be scared and don’t have the trust anymore. However, Solomon Islands is still safer than other countries.

SWN: Is there anything else you would like to share to our readers?

TW: My dear friend Patty is such a lovely young woman and I am so blessed to have met and known someone like her. I personally will cherish her memories always. In fact we have a lot of photos taken together. In the meantime, let’s all take extra care where ever we go especially us girls, women and children. Look after ourselves and be conscious of who and who is around us. Just be mindful of where we go and who we mingled around with. Always take care. To the family of Patty, I share my heartfelt and sincerest condolences and may the Almighty give us the strength and comfort as we go through this hard time. To Patty my friend and sister, all of us who know you will miss you dearly. May your beautiful soul rest in peace.

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