Second hand clothes sold at the Honiara Central Market.
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WOMEN vendors who are selling clothing products at the Honiara Central Market have raised complaints as to why they have been selling their products for years sitting in a very little area.

Speaking to the paper, this group of women would like the Honiara City Council to see the struggles that they have to put up with each day.

“We have been working real hard like all other vendors to earn money, but sitting down all day squashed up with our marketing products is an issue that we have been complaining about for a long time,” said.

Elsie Timmy, one of the market vendors.

“It has been for years that we have occupied this small space and it seems that the HCC has not even noticed how we are being crowded all this time,” she said.

“As you can see for yourselves, every day we are crowded when people come to buy our products, especially on weekends and on holidays.

“There usually are long queues when there are many customers available in the market area looking to buy clothe products that sometimes brings confusion to us sellers.”

Ms. Timmy added that many women today have the passion to sew and to sell cloth products so they will need a bigger amount of space that will accommodate everyone.

The women vendors would like the HCC to address their concern and take action to find somewhere that provides a big space that can fit in all women vendors selling clothing products at the Honiara Central Market.

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