The Girls Wholeness Solomon Islands members completed their reflection program at the Guadalcanal Women Resource Center in Henderson, east of Honiara. Photo credit @ Joy Ofasia
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THE Girls Wholeness Solomon Islands reflection program held a two-day training over the weekend for its members at the Guadalcanal Women Resource Center at Henderson, east of Honiara. 

The program was attended by women and girls from a few communities in the Central Island province, Guadalcanal province, and Honiara, with the purpose of selecting mentors.

Speaking to the SOLOMON WOMEN, Girls Wholeness Solomon Islands Organization Executive Kristina Sau’eha said the reflection activity is one of the activities that takes place after members of the organization carry out trainings around in communities.

“The two-day reflection training is one of the activities that takes place after members of the organization carry out trainings around communities to support vulnerable and at-risk girls to gain confidence to speak up on issues affecting them and provide safe space for girls,” she said in an interview on Sunday.

Kristina explained that Girls Wholeness Solomon Islands was established after Girls Rise Up, a 3-year project implemented by the Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) and funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

“The aim and mission of Girls Wholeness Solomon Islands is to assist and support vulnerable and at-risk girls to gain confidence to speak up on issues affecting them, provide a safe space for girls to learn from community women mentors, and also help women and the community recognize what teenage girls want and what the best approaches are for teenage girls in relation to safe guarding our girls’ and childrens’ safety and protection from sexual harassment, exploitation, and sexual abuse (PSHEA),” she said.

Kristina added the aim of the two-day reflection program is for the women to go back to their respective communities and work alongside church leaders’ community leaders and chiefs to support them.

She said after this training they are looking forward to seeing more work done in the participants’ respective communities.

Kristina also acknowledged the Australian Federal Police for sponsoring their sports activities on the first day.

“I want to acknowledge the Australian Federal Police, who sponsored our sports activities on Saturday with balls, t-shirts, food, and water,” she said.

The Girls Wholeness was formed and registered in October 2022 and funded by SPC for 12 months.

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