Delmar Lona, a dedicated female security officer and member of the Alert Security Firm, during the XVII Pacific Games 2023 in Honiara.
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DELMAR Lona, a dedicated female security officer, expressed her gratitude and profound experience as a member of the Alert Security Firm during the XVII Pacific Games 2023 in Honiara.

Lona expressed gratitude to management and staff for allowing her to contribute to a significant event, describing it as a significant milestone and a lifetime experience.

As a female security officer, she characterized the position as a significant turning point in her career and an experience of a lifetime.

Lona talked about the difficulties she encountered at the Pacific Games, stressing that managing security at a major event was more difficult than her daily tasks.

Managing both domestic attendees and foreign guests brought its own special set of difficulties.

“One of the most challenging aspects was the language barrier, especially with athletes who didn’t speak English,” Lona told SOLOMON WOMEN. She specifically mentioned her duties at one of the game city’s gate entrances, where she interacted with people from a variety of linguistic backgrounds.

She had to be flexible and quick-witted in order to get through conversations with non-English speakers.

Lona also mentioned that she had to deal with people who didn’t follow the game’s rules and regulations as part of her job. As a security officer tasked with upholding order at the gate, she stressed the significance of abiding by the rules and playing by them.

Thanking her co-workers for their steadfast support, Lona emphasized the importance of being a part of such a significant occasion. She took pride in her role as a female security officer in making the Pacific Games a success.

“I am grateful for the chance to have this once-in-a lifetime experience. I’ll apply the knowledge I gained from the Pacific Games to my work as a security officer going forward,” Lona said.

Delmar Lona’s experience clarifies the crucial role security personnel play in guaranteeing the seamless operation of major sporting events and emphasizes the value of flexibility and commitment in overcoming the various obstacles that crop up during such events.

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