WIMSI President Ender Rence and Lisa Horiwapu making a presentation during the launching of the newly established Association.
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A new women’s organization was established in Solomon Islands. The organization is called the Women in Media Solomon Islands or ‘WIMSI’ for short.

The composition of this body comprise of all women working in media in Solomon Islands. The founders made the official declaration of its presence a fortnight ago when Media Association of Solomon Islands (MASI) celebrated the 2015 Media Freedom Day at Honiara Hotel in the presence of Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare, who was the chief guest and also the Patron of Media in Solomon Islands.

Prime Minister’s presence was highly appreciated to hear and to address issues and challenges women working in the media face in the newsrooms or their work place.

Here is an interview made by Ian Kaukui of Solomon Women Newspaper with President of WIMSI, Mrs. Ender Rence.

Ian Kaukui: Can you tell us what inspired our local women in media to form this Association?

Ender Rence: We can see that Women and media have so much to offer; it’s just that we need the right support to deliver as professionals. With Media Association of Solomon Islands (MASI), we feel that we don’t have the space and avenue to raise our concerns, we feel as if we don’t have our space to excel in positions within the media field and then we don’t have the support. This was also gathered during a needs assessment with women working in media industry in the country. Women in media play a very role in building the nation more especially in terms of promoting women’s interested and agendas forward. For example such as push for women in leadership. Women in other professions have their own associations to help them, why not women in media. But first we have to be empowered to be able to empower other women and the nation. In a needs assessment that we conducted for some of the women involving in mediarelated activities earlier last month, we heard and share that women are lagging behind in terms of capacity building compared to men working in media.

Ian Kaukui: What are your priorities for Women in Media Solomon Islands? And what types of activity are you planning to achieve? Short Term goals? Long-Term goals?

Ender Rence: Our priority for short term now is to formulate our strategy, after we will hold our first planning meeting at the end of this month in which we will identify our priorities collectively as a team. From there on, now will be able to map out our long-term plans. As we go along we are going to keep you updated on our plans and activities. So watch out for more on this paper.

Ian Kaukui: What other priorities are you planning on tackling and how will you mobilize the necessary resources to achieve your goals?

Ender Rence: Our number one priority is to strengthen our existence as women working and involving in different media organizations. Whatever resources and networks we have, we will use it to start off with. The beauty about Solomon Islands is, since we started, already we have grown support from other women’s support here. So we already have overwhelming support. The need now is for us to organize ourselves be in one mind the sky is only the limit for WIMSI.

Ian Kaukui: What is the role of gender equality in the Millennium Development Goals? How do you plan to give it more importance? Ender Rence: WIMSI is working in alignment with Beijing platform section J. Some of the work that WIMSI has involved with link to section J we doesn’t realize it. So with this organizing of WIMSI just to help us see and link we have with international policies and to align our work plans with our national and international policies such as Beijing + section J. So gender mainstreaming as one of the priorities that we are working towards to support the DCCG policies and working together with MASI

Ian Kaukui: In what ways do you believe WIMSI can help change and improve women development in the country?

Ender Rence: WIMSI can be the voice for, with for women in Solomon Islands. Influencing better policies for women and children is one of the many roles that WIMSI would like to see and do. So what we are starting to do now is that we want women in media and those who are interested to first understand and convince that women issues are different from men’s issues which need to be addressed differently. Resources are needed to address those challenges.

Ian Kaukui: Are there any challenges women in media faced that WIMSI hope to improve?

Ender Rence: WIMSI has been lagging in terms of capacity building, personal attacks, living standard conditions and resources that can unable their organization. Yes, a big challenge that women in Media could face is when people see us as threat not partners. WIMSI as a support group working for and with women in media would like to change those issues into positive through positive consultations with those who can bring about change for women who are affected. This is going to be done with every woman, we are not going to leave anyone behind. Every women need to be part of the process and to bring about sustainability it has to be inclusive.

Ian Kaukui: Anything you wish to share and assured our country about your existence?

Ender Rence: We existed basically to be professionals in our field to help improve the lives of women, which include all of us women.

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