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THE University of the South Pacific (USP) is pleased to announce the launch of the Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Initiative to support female staff progress through its academic ranks.

The Vice-Chancellor has established a Strategic Fund that will allow women who are on the thresholds of academic promotion to take time out from teaching to focus on their research and publications.

Aligned with this year’s International Women’s Day theme, Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress, this initiative aims to encourage and hasten the progress of women at the University through the academic ranks. It is the first in a suite of initiatives that the University is developing as part of its multi-pronged action plan to increase the number of women in senior management and academic roles across the institution.

USP Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Pal Ahluwalia said, “The University is endeavouring to offer opportunities to appoint more women into senior academic roles and this will directly assist existing female academic staff and will give them valuable time away from teaching to focus on their research and publication to position themselves for promotion up the academic ranks.  It ties in well with this year’s International Women’s Day theme, ‘Invest in Women: Accelerate progress’- this initiative will do just that!”

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