Salome Peo began working after completing a three years course at the Trade Electrical at Kautave Vocational Centre.
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THERE have been a number of extraordinary local women and girls within this country that have been explored in news features doing trade works so far in the country.

All of them have their different side of a unique story in how they came to engage themselves in these different types of trades of works. Susan Peo, she has a different side of the story in how she also came to be an electrician today.

Hailed from North Ngella, Belagha village, Susan Peo is an electrician working at the Mobile Electrics Company owned by the current Member of Parliament (MP) for Ngella Constituency Bartholomew Parapolo.

The Mobile Electrics Company is a multi-trade company specialized in installing air conditions, electricity, and generators. Currently, Mobile Electrics is the electrical agent for the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD).

In her line of duty, she and her fellow coworkers install electrical power in buildings being ordered by the Company. After completing the electrical installation to the buildings then the Solomon Power electricity authority would do the electrical installations.

If the inspection by Solomon Power is approved then electrical power will be installed in the building by the Mobile Electrics electricians. A recent building Susan and her coworkers worked on is the East Medical Centre at King George VI (KGVI) area owned by Dr. Nathan Kere.

The eldest of three children (two girls, and one boy) Salome attended grades one to six at Belagha Community High School in the year 2002 to 2007.

She then passed her examinations test at King George VI School (KGVI) in 2008 where she attended school up to 2010 in form three.

From 2011 to 2012, she attended forms four and five at Siota Provincial Secondary School (SPSS) where she did not manage to make it into form six.

“During that point in my life, I was trying to figure out what would be suitable for me to do to sustain a living.

“The thought of trying out something different from what most women normally do was strong in my mind and so this was why I chose to study to be an electrician. 

“I’m crazy about the nature of work electricians do especially how they crawl here and there setting up switches, electrical cables, and bulb lights and climbing on ladders that contributed to my interest.

“Well I can also be described as a Tomboy by my family relatives and I guess they are not surprised why I chose this field of work,” Susan said.

In 2013, Susan went and attended the school of Trade Electrical at Kautave Vocational Training Centre. After two years of studying she did her practical in the third year at the Mobile Electrics for six months.

After completing her practical in Trade Electrical she then returned to Kautave Vocational Training Centre where she graduated with a certificate in Trade Electrical. For nearly two years now Susan Peo at 22 years of age, is a permanent work for the Mobile Electrics Company.

“This year should be my second year of permanent work,” said Susan. “I do not know what the future holds for me and that is the interesting part because my journey in life will be a mystery. 

“Only the Lord whom I am thankful to for guiding me throughout my life will choose my path for me. If being an electrician is truly my purpose then I think this trade will be my life work because at the moment. I love my field of work,” she said.

“The only challenge I face in my workplace is being the only female amongst men workers which is not balanced,” she said laughing.

“But nevertheless my workmates have been so helpful to me towards my work.

“They assist me well and a happy spirit is always filled within our workplace.”

When asked what she would like to share with other women and girls Susan said we all have potential so your gender in being a female does not matter because you are capable of anything.

“In our society, most trades work is dominated and seen by most like men’s work but we women can do it. All gender have strength and knowledge so remember, you can do it,” Susan said.

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