RSIPF Royals and the RAPPP officers with the RSIPF Commissioner pose for a photo after the gifting program. Photo credit @ RSIPF Media
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THE Australian Federal Police (AFP), Policing Partnership Program (RAPPP) gifted the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) ‘Royals’ Women’s Football Club (FC) new sporting equipment on 18 July 2024 at Rove Headquarters.  

The gifted equipment includes football boots, shin pads, training bibs, soccer balls, pop-up goals, and agility poles. The equipment provides the team with much-needed gear to train and compete competitively in the premier league.

AFP Acting Commander Adam McCormack said, “The AFP has proudly supported the team from the inception of the Women’s Premier League in 2020 and our members are very proud to be so closely involved with the RSIPF ‘Royals’ FC.”

RAPPP member Nourah Ajaj played with the team during their first two seasons and recently reunited with the team on her return to the Solomon Islands earlier this year. Solomons’ International Assistance Force (SIAF) member, Cayden Noble-Kendall, also coached the team during his time in the Solomon Islands.

RSIPF Commissioner, Mostyn Mangau thanked RAPPP for the continued support of the ‘Royals’ Women’s FC and their ongoing investment in the development of women in the RSIPF and across the Solomon Islands.

“I wish the team all the best in the second half of the season. I know they will continue to positively represent RSIPF and make us proud,” Commissioner Mangau said.

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