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WOMEN in Sikaiana community at Red Beach, East of Honiara City held a Lavalava Fashion Show over the weekend, in line with the Mother’s day celebrations to reflect on the cultural Heritage of Sikaiana women.

Speaking to the Solomon Women’s paper in an interview, Judy Kapava one of the women organisers and member of the Sikaiana community said that the event was successful and all women enjoyed the program as it also marked the mother’s day celebration in the community.

“Our community used to have similar shows, but the Sikaiana lavalava fashion show is the first of its kind to be held here in our community,” Judy said.

Judy said that Lavalava to Sikaiana women, is a unique garment which women wear during very important occasions.

“Lavalava holds an important tradition for the women and people of Sikaiana. We use lavalava to show respect during times of marriage and death,” she said.

Judy said that 9 contestants participated in the show including one of the elderly woman in the community by 90 years of age who is Mary Vava who came second place on the show.

The event signifies a time of acknowledgement to all mothers who are connected to all Sikaiana women living the country.

One of the judges, George Suri said that the fashion show is to show the young generation of Sikaiana in these country that lavalava holds a weight significant in their society and that they must keep the tradition in every mother’s day celebrations or in any other event.

The lavalava fashion show event was sponsored by the country’s ambassador to Australia Robert Sisilo and his family in Canberra.

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